Friday 10 October 2014

Own Work in the Style of Antonio Lopez Garcia

I have decided to look at Antonio Lopez Garcia's work. his style consists of lots of shades and tones with pencil as well as the use of construction lines. Above is part of Garcia's 'Mary's Hands'. I used pencil to represent his techniques; most of his pencil drawings have quite a grainy look to them, and it was quite difficult to achieve this, however I feel I did the best I could.

Looking at another hand drawing of Garcia's I used watered down acrylics quite freely
 with my paintbrush to represent the construction lines that Garcia has used within his drawings. This was quite hard to achieve with the acrylics but I am pleased with the outcome.

Here I have chosen my own objects to draw in the style of Garcia. I found that drawing the image above proved to be quite difficult as the charcoal didn't smudge as well on the textured brown paper. I am not too happy with the drawing as it doesn't represent the detail that i wanted to show in the artist's style.

Above I used watered down acrylics as I did with the hand earlier on. I tried using construction lines as done on the hand, however I feel that it didn't work as well, again, because of the brown paper. Also, to link in the the theme of layers, I put together a collage of ripped up brown paper to add more texture and interest to the overall drawing.

Using the same free style as the hands on an earlier post, I drew a more close up part of the object. I feel this went well and I achieved the look I wanted, however I am unsure about the object I have chosen as I feel that these drawings don't quite achieve the style that Garcia uses.

I chose a different object to accomplish this style, and have also resorted back to pencil on paper to further fulfil the style. I feel that this drawing went better than before because it represents Garcia's style much better than the other mediums on brown paper. To improve on this I think that I need to add construction lines to add more to Garcia's style.

I decided to take pictures of my own hand to draw as this is a subject Garcia uses a lot. I used a pencil and a smudging tool to accomplish the grainy look that Garcia uses, which I feel works well. I think I will be drawing more hands in the future using different mediums such as biro, acrylics, and perhaps some paints to add some colour to the studies.



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